
Sunday, March 16, 2014

It's been a while...

        Don't be too shocked, but here is a much needed update from your's truly. To make it perfectly short and sweet, I could say that I've been busy, which is true. In a longer explanation, I haven't posted because I'm a student at a very competitive high school. Because of this I don't really have time to think about what would make a good post, let alone take the time to actually go through with making it. I'm sorry to go so long in between posts, but I thought I should update you since I'm on spring break.
        I've been thinking recently, and I think I'm going to be changing to a different blog. I'm not insane about the name "A Dash of DIY". When I created this blogger I really didn't do a lot of research and didn't know that there was not only but also, in addition to tons of websites featuring the phrase. My name should be my brand, and one hundred percent my own, therefore I feel the change is necessary. I'll make sure that I post another update when the next blog is made, but then, I won't be posting any more tutorials (isn't that a shock).
        This blog was a great way for me to get my toes wet without jumping completely into the unknown blogger-verse, I have big ideas for the site, and hope you'll join me there as well.

Much love
-♥ Delaney