Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Puppy Paintings

          I recently saw a video where a girl made a painting with her dogs. I loved the idea and decided to replicate it with my own adorable Pomeranian puppy.

Let's get started!

1. Dog
2. Paint (Baby friendly and washable is best)
3. Paper Plates
4. Painting Surface 
5. Treats

Step 1: Pour out the paint you're going to use for your puppy painting

Step 2: Either put your puppy in the paint, or use treats to get them to walk in the paint

Step 3: Now get your puppy onto what you are painting, use treats to get your animal to walk across and "paint"

Step 4: Let the painting dry for about an hour, aaaaaaaaand.......

You're finished!

Enjoy your abstract puppy painting!


  1. Lol! i love these paintings but i think my big husky dog will break the picture frame! D:

    1. Haha, I'm glad you like them! You could try to use a poster-board instead of a stretch canvas, then you could frame the poster, or just use push pins to tack it up! :)
