Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Magazine Coasters

      So recently, my coasters have decided to go into hiding, and have fallen off the face of the earth... What is a girl to do? 
      Instead of buying new ones, I decided I would just make some new coasters from the things I already had laying around. 

      Let's get started! The finished product looks a little something like this:

Supplies you will need:

1. Magazine
2. Cutting Device (or 2)
3. Mod Podge (I like the Satin Finish)
4. Sponge Applicator
5. Something to Mod Podge on

Step 1: Tear out pages from your magazine, you need 4 full pages for every coaster. I prefer the advertisement pages because they're so colorful!

Step 2: Fold these pages in half length wise, and cut down the fold you made

Step 4: Now fold the pages in half the same way, and in half that way again. Fold it in half one last time, the other way this time

Step 5: NOW, the really fun part, you have 8 strips of paper and we're going to weave them together

     *NOTE: Always have the open part of the strip facing UP, or to the LEFT as shown*

Step 6: Take two strips and open the last fold on both, lay one on top of the other and close the folds as shown

Step 7: Add each strip one at a time, weaving them together until you have used all of the strips

Step 8: Use your cutting device to trim about half an inch off of the end of the strips on the top and left side

Step 9: Open one side of the top strip and tuck the trimmed strips into the opening

I realize this is like the worst picture ever, I hope you get the gist of it though

Step 10: Repeat this to the back of the top, and to both layers on the left side


Step 11: Using the applicator, apply a coat of Mod Podge to the side of the coaster you want to place drinks on

I've applied the first coat of Mod Podge

Step 12: Wait about 20 minutes for the Mod Podge to dry and apply a second coat the same as the first, let it dry for another 20 minutes aaaaaaaaand.......

You're finished!

Enjoy your cool new, colorful coasters! 

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